Tuesday, 23 November 2010


This term we have been doing about a crime scene were my MANGER John Brownrigg died.We found a lot of evedance we've got a GLOVE , a LETTER with a FOOTPRINT on it an ENVOLOPE with BLOOD on it and a ROLLING PIN . We have 2 suspects CHILLI and
MR JONES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Murder at St John's (very cool)

These last weeks in year 5 we have been learning about a murder of foot ball coach JOHN BROWNRIGG. John Brownrigg was a football coach who was killed by a rolling pin. The following evidence was found at the crime scene: a glove, two letters, the rolling pin and an envelope. The police believe he was killed because someone wanted to take his job as football manager of the team.
by Sam and Grace

killer 221 on the loose!

Today we took part in a fake murder it was the  best thing we have ever done at school the victim John Brownrigg got hit on the head with a rolling pin. The forensic scientists examined the scene and they found a glove left by the victim and a letter which said, 'I will do whatever it takes to be the manger of the St John's football team'. The murder investigation continues....
 You should come to this school. by Devon 

Monday, 1 November 2010

The Big Picture

Hello Year 5 children and parents,

I hope you are looking forward to coming back to school for a very exciting half term!
Our new topic is called 'The Big Picture' and we will be using pictures to inspire our work. For Art, Science and Understanding English we will look at the famous painting 'Bar at the Folies - Bergere' by Manet. In December we will use a painting of a scene from the Nativity story to inspire our work.
I hope you are also looking forward to learning the vocabulary for our very first Spanish Video Conference.

See you on Wednesday,
Miss Kingsley x

                                                            'Bar at the Folies - Bergere'