Monday, 19 December 2011

Friday morning @ afternoon.

Friday morning @ afternoon
We all went round the school,doing separate activities all day long and they were all REALLY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all went round all the activities like:Sheperds house with Mrs Kingsley, DIY with Mr Middlebrough, Wise men's house with Mrs Zaman, the journey with Mrs Roper,the stable with Mrs Mathews and what is special about Christmas with Mrs Daw

Last Friday St Johns had a christmas activity day. What we did was we went all around the school to every classroom and did a different activity every time. Some of the activitys included kneading dough, drawing your star sign e.g. Aries, leo, virgo, and sitting round the shepards fire. Another activity was where we went into Josephs workshop and made a small scale model of Baby Jesus' manger. Every time we left a place they gave us a gift that we put in our bag.

By Ethan & Rhys. 

A journy through christmas day

                                                                       On friday it was a journy through christmas                                                    we went to diffrent teachers houses and at each teachers house we did an activity. And at every house we got a gift to carry around with us and at the end of the day we had an asembly and we showed what gifts we got throughout the day
by Joe and Cameron

Last friday we went to diffrent peoples houses in the christmas story, like a time machene going back in time!

 Miss Kingsley was a shepard,
Mr Middlebrough was Joseph,
Mrs Rice was Mary,
Mrs Zaman was the three Kings,
Miss Roper was in the desert and,
Mrs Daw was modern christmas!

By anna & matilda!

Through The Key Hole

We went round the school in our classes to all of the diffrent classes to learn about the christmas story. Each teacher was dressed as a character from the christmas story and they explained each of the different scenes. At each class the teachers gave us a gift to put in our bag, at the end we gathered up in the hall and showed what we had got at the end of the day.
By Danielle,Beth and Evie

view through a key-hole day

Last friday we did a view from a key whole. We were learning about christmas going around diffreny classes learningabout diffrent things(E.G)

: Three kings house
: Shepods house
: Joseph house
: Mary house
: Jesus house

By Alex and Grace and Louis


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

playscript of its A Boy scene 2

scene 2
king herod is in his palace .
narrator: The Eagle's are trapped in king Herods palace haveing sweet dreams.King Herod is stroking his hawk
King h:(anoyyingly)

playscript of jesus scene

scene 2

king h:I am sorry did i disturb you.
narrator: king h plucks the qualls feather.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Mary holding baby Jesus.

By Ethan & Rhys :-D
The stable where baby Jesus was born.

By Ethan & Rhys @=(0_0)=@

the birth of Baby Jesus

This is a picture was painted by Hiroco Reaney
it was painted in 2002. It won the EBSQ award. By Joe and Willliam

Jesus being born

This picture was painted  by Geran Van Honthorst
This is baby Jesus being born in the stable with Mary,Joseph and the Shepard's
This painting of Mary hugging baby Jesus.

By Rhys & Ethan ;-)

Monday, 5 December 2011

Wat happens when a baby is born in Hinduisim

In hinduisim when a baby has just been born the father will go to the temple  to tell the person who works there when the baby was born. The person who works there will use astrolgy to tell the letters that are allowed to use in the babys name. Finally the parents get to choose the babys name. By Joe

Friday, 2 December 2011


Recently on christmas day in france, the British and the Germans had a football match beacuse they wanted to stop fighting for one day.

As the british woke up and peered out of the trench they could see crystal clear snow amd the trees where compleetley white, dead men looked like toppled snow men. The first suprise for the british was when an unarmed German came over and planted a christmas tree then commander Parksey came over and shook his hand then all of the soldiers came rushing into no mans land a german who was a barber gave free haircuts and the soldiers were ecschanging gifts.

Suddenly a football rolled in from nowhere and then a huge football match begun. Hats where goal posts there was no reffere no keeping score and the British had more players than the Germans it was more like ice-skating than football.

WW1 GAME by samuel

To day on the 25th December 1914 in France 6:30am.On christmas day.When Germaney started to welcome England whith christmas carols.

about 2 hours laters afer breackfast a German soldier come out of their trench and walked to the Englands trench and planted a christmas tree in the ground then the English gatherd aroud it whith the Germans .and sang christmas songs to echuther. then they both exchang giveds to echuther and one was a football  and that oney meant  Bob was on it in a flash . then he flingt it to fread who did a huge dived and curt the ball. then a mach was under way.

their was no referey , on score and on count of players playing.Bob was in the English goal and in the Germaney goal was a huge person.


world war 1 football match

Two sides which were Britian and Germans had a football match in no mans land on christmas day 1915.

That morning they could see the cheif  arriving with servants. He cooked all kinds of treats for the soilders like :Bacon and some nice chocolate pudding . You could start to see a tor of a extremly big chrismas tree over the trenche . Every person in the trenche stood up in the trenche and peered over the the muddy wall of the trenche . There was a german in the middle of No Mans Land . But you could see dead bodys covered in snow .

A ball sudenly bounced acrose the No Mans Land and Alex (my best freind)quikly decided that a football match would be a good idea to do .So we started a match that had no hurting no referee no count of score .

After the match the officers were discusted throw what we had done. If we had stepped another step out of the trenche we would be shot to death.

Some people say this was good some dont.This was  a big deel because they stoppedfighting for just one day to have a football match

Generals threaten to kill soldiers

Germans and britain were fighting the war was in world war one.It was in no mans land in 1914 it happened because  the germans wanted more land it was on christmas day.

The soldiers when they woke up they got presents.All they got  from there friends and famiand plantedly was coko oxocupes chocolate bacon  a pipe tobacco the Queens letter pencils paper and thats all they got.

Then a german soldier stepped out of the trench  a tree  on the snow  and they played a football match. The germans where were happy they werent shooting at them the generals werent happy with the football match  were scared of the generals they said they will kill them if they do it again.

They felt really happy because they ended the war  for a day on christmas day. and that happened by playing a football match.The soldiers were happy exited suprised.

It was a really good idea because  they can have fun instead of killing because they were fighting and nowthere not

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

The christmas football match

In ww1 on christmas day they had a football match apparently the ball came from nowere.

                       By Alex, Rhys and Kasim.
the war game was in 1915 ww1 in France by samuel and daniel

Christmas day football match

In world warII there was a football mathch on christmas day beetween the english and the Germans this was created by a german platning a chrstmas tree and an english man shaking hands
By Joe Vanessa and Mary

Thursday, 24 November 2011


'Many myths and legends surround World War One and Christmas - especially the first Christmas of the war in December 1914. The British public and the soldiers fighting in the mud of Flanders were given the impression by those in charge that the Germans, fighting possibly less than100 metres away, were blood-lusting psychopaths bent on destroying all in their way. Any form of friendship between the two sides fighting the war, would have been seen as detrimental to this impression. While the Germans remained the "evil Hun", the government and the military could justify theirHowever, the first Christmas of 1914 clearly broke the impression that those in charge wanted to portray. For many years - even after the war - the government wanted to maintain the image of the dastardly Hun and any references to any fraternisation between both sides was clamped down on. There were whispers here and there but no actual evidence. The same happened with the football match between the British and the Germans.'

Taken from

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

World warII evacuation day

Yesterday we came in to school like a evacue,  first we went into the hall and made some notes about a video. Next we  went to two country side houses one had a nice woman who gave us juice and delicous cake, then we went to a nasty womans house who gave us bread. By Joe and Rhys

evacuee day

We had an evacuee day and we had to dress up as evacuees. We started off in the hall and pretended it was a train station.We wathed a movie and it added to the fun.We got into partners and we walked round the feild

Thursday, 10 November 2011

ww2 guns

These are some guns from ww2:
Golden Pistol
Mini Gun
FN Browning High Power
They are all pistols

war poster

This is the war poster that we are going to make into a model.
By Maisie and Danielle xx

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Trench Design

This is the structure for the model

Our war poster

This is our war picture. We are making a model of this to make this we will need:
55cm wood, brown paint, black paint, wood glue, rope and clay.
To make this we will need to stick the wood together. Atach the string to the wood and tye it to the German flag and then it will be done

Monday, 7 November 2011

How shall we live in community? What do people say?

Judaism: All people are responsible for one another.
Judaism and christianity: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strenth. Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
Judaism and christanity: And what does the LORD  require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. By Maisie, Beth and Danielle.

How should we live in a community

All people are responsible for one another.

This means that everyone cares and looks after each other. 

How to live in a comunity

 Cristians belive that you should love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. That means dont hate your enemy even if they battle you. And pray for those who are cruel to you.

By Rhys and Joe


Giving simply because it is right to give without though of return is enlightered with regreats or inexpection of receiving some favour or of getting  something in return is selfish giving                                                     Hinduiasim bhagavad Gita 17.20.21

By William,Cam and Joseph

how will we live in the community?

All people are responsible for one and other

you have responsibity for someonelse  by henryt jacob and henryj

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

World War

Today we learnt about World War I & II . Some people in our class brought in information about them.

                                                         By Matilda

world war 2

In world war 2 some people pretended they were older to serve their country in the war. In the war if you were not old enough or a woman you did not fight in the war. Some news pappers said that some people were dead when they were not. By max and Joe

World war two

Over the holidays we  had to reasearch the worls wars (1 and 2) today we looked at the wrighting and the artifacts that some people braught in. Lots of people had some really intresting things that they braught in.
By Evie

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

If there were only one hundred people in the world

if there were 100 people in the world there would be 59 asians, 14 american, 14 english people, 14 africans 1 person would be from the south pacific
A good thing would be that ot would be peacfull
A bad thing would be that some people might get lonley
By joe and Jack

If there were only 100 people in the world

If the world a village made up of 100 people 75 would be non white and 25 would be white.

The bad thing would be: Some people would be racist.

By Mary Gee and Vanessa Adebo

Friday, 21 October 2011

sao paulo

we have been learning about Sao Paul

henrys letter

This week we have been writing letters to our favourite football club or the football assosiation (FA!) Here is my introduction.........
Dear, Mr. Manchini
I am writing to inform you about the lack of respect your fans are showing to the opposing team. My thoughts are that it is causing problems in, around and near to Manchester.I demand that you stop this bad behavior now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Avedia Paulista

yesterday we built a model of Avendia Paulista


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

cathedral in sao paulo

This is the orthadox cathedral.this is a cathedral metropolian sa.

Avenida Paulistar

This is Avenida Paulistar in sou'paulo
isnt it beautiful I would say.It has an ENORMAS,HUMANGAS,THE MOST GIGANTIC!!!!!!!!!.
Well that is all from me BYEEEEEEEEE and just before you go this was posted by Mia Angel Holland-Fredrick XOXO

football stadiums in soa paulo

This is the sao paulo football club badge.and this is the iraqera football club.                                                                                

The hilton hotel in soa paulo

  Inside the hilton hotel.
and the front of the hilton hotel.
by beth and maisie from year5 thank you for looking at our post : )

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Our art work

Today we did mood boards as are art
it was really fun.

By Alexander Malone

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

lowory painting of the match

Lowery is famous for drawing match stick men and cats and dogs.Lowery likes drawing people with their backs bent down.He also diddent use very bright colors.You could tell that it is an old staudim because it dosent look modern.If you look closely most people are wearing hats and most people are wearing ither black or dark orange well most of the colors are orange or black
by Max


4th October 2011

Today we learnt about Lowry. L.S Lowry was born in Salford, Manchester in 1928. He painted a famous painting  called "Going -to the match.

By Matilda L

lowery painting

Lowery normally likes to scetch stickmen. his most famous scetch was one called 'Going to the match'.


We have been learing about Lowrys paintings if you can see all the people going right are slumped.                              By Alexander Malone
L.S Lowry

The picture above is a picture of L.S. Lowry. He was a very famous artist. He Is dead but he has a museum of all the pictures he painted.

(The picture below is a painting by L.S Lowry)

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


We went on a trip to Manchester and we saw lots of diffrent things. Such as diffrent statues ,diffrent buildings and more.One of the things we saw was the the Hilton Hotel (Beetham tower.) We went inside the Hilton Hotel  and we went to the highest floor of the hotel but not to the top. On our way we saw lots and lots of things of one wich was Abraham Lincoln. Ater we had seen all we could we went  to Manchester City`s Stadium.We had a great trip! By Evie

persuasive writing

are you board of the same old theatre?if you are come to the breathtaking royal exchange its the best of the best we have:400mobile seats,47,000 cmfey seats and 30,000 normal MAX

persuasive writing

Would you like to come to the best exhbetition ever?It was built in 1880 but it looks like it was built yesterday. It used to be an old, rusty, discusting railway but now its the best exhbetition ever, it has a 200ft wide roof by joe

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Manchester city trip 
We went  into the changing rooms dinning boxes. by Jack   and   Ethan
we got loads of cool facts! Like 2 sets of chairs use to be a running   track

Friday, 23 September 2011


On tuesday year 5&6 went on a tour of manchester city stadium.

By Eve Madden.

Friday, 8 July 2011


For Golden Time this afternoon, Miss Kingsley enjoyed playing the Monopoly Girl's version!!
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Friday, 1 July 2011

Golden Time

We enjoyed learning some fashion tips from Miss Kingsley during Golden Time today! She taught us how to apply 'smokey eye' makeup!
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Moving to st John's and Tesco's disappointment

Hi my name is Harry,
         I have just moved to St John's and it is really good. Everybody was really kind and I really enjoy it. I have just had golden time and I was playing a football match and I was a captain. Me,sam and Daniel scored and we won 3-2.Wednesday was an upsetting day because we were going to Tesco's to look at flowers but we couldn't go because it was raining (thats' typical England.)

Thursday, 26 May 2011

send my sister to school

this week we have been learning about the send my sister school project. some of us have thought of some fundraising ideas. our ideas were- pet day? a fun run? cake sale? and a few other ideas aswell. today we hyave been making some placards for the send my sister to school project.

This week

This week in year 5 we have been measuring nets and madea choclate bar. My was called GRACIE BLUE    becaus my best friend is called Grace and her favouite colour is blue. We all so hae a new boy coming in to our class his name is Harry. he has a little sister in Y4.

In year 5 we have had an art day making    plackards for a proteast againsed the goverment to show that people in other countries should go to school. Other countries are poor and  need money to go to school and 67 million children dontgo to school in he world and over half are girlrs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The Holidays

I went to Benidorm in Spain.                                                        Thomas was playing cricket with   
This is the hotel I was in which is the                                   his Dad when he whacked the ball in
 biggest in Spain.                                                                                                           Thomas's eye.



Tiger and Joe went to a hockey tornement in bellevue, we scored alot of goals by setting each other up. Our friend called Alex (not from this school) was good at getting the ball through the defenders so he can pass to the strikers. Tiger played right wing and center forward and Joe played left wing.

By Tiger And Joe :)


I went to lanzorote for my grandads 60th with all my family.they were 7 pools in the hotel at night we all went
to eat but it was a all inclusive then we went up to go to the entertainment one night we had a snooker tournament                                                                                                                                                                                     

Royal Wedding

On Friday 29th April Prince William married Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey In London.The ceremony started at 8.00am and finished at 1.30pm. Prince William is 28 and Kate is 29. When they arrived in Westminster Abbey they sang hymns when they were finished kate carried on walking. The name of one of the hymns was (I Was Glad).Afterwards they headed towards Buckingham Palace to stand on the balcony.all royal couples do it after they have been married.

kates dress and wedding

I think kates dresss was old  fashioned. As my mum predected     the  Queen  was wearing  yellow not green , yellow. I think thaat princess Beatrice's dress was    well  I cant really describe it it was like she was wearing scrumples up deer antlers on her head dyed in pink, but on the other hand princess Eugne was wearing a voilet blue dress that showed up Beatrice in a very big light. The venue was AMAZING at the abbey                 allthough what I diddent get is that they had trees inside plus some people in the alter could not see kate and wills saying there vowles. 
by alex and grace                      

hats at the royal wedding

These are some of the hats that were warn at the royal wedding by princess beatrice and princess eugene.

These unusal hats were very popular at the wedding they were warn by princess beartrice and princess eugene,kates mumwas wering a light blue hat with a flower just on the side the queen had a light coulerd yellow hat with flowers to give it a twist with pale pink flowers.

eve and faye

the royal wedding

Princess Kate's wedding gown Sarah Burton the royal wedding was on friday when prince william and kate middleton got married. as kate arrived she stepped out of the car everybody froze with amazement. the dress was made by alexander mcqueen and designed by kate middleton. prince william was wearing his R.A.F uniform. the ceremony was at westminster abbey. and the reception was at buckingham palace. there was thousands of people there in london.

withington rangers jfc

on the 2nd of may withington rangers under 9s  won the div 3 plate.there are two teams an A and  B  they add the scores togerther.The B team score was 3-0 to withinton rangers,the A game score 4-2 to denton youth.overall the under 9s won 5-4. 
by alex and zakee

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Creative Partnerships

From the 16th of March to the 1st of April year 5 and year 6 have been working together for an Art project. Both of the year groups have chosen an accessory for our favourite celebrities or characters to create out of art e.g empty cartens,boxes,jugs etc etc.

When art week first started an artist came in called Mr.Cahill he showed us different ways to make a piece of art work.On the second week on Monday Mr.Cahill gave us all an empty box. We wondered what for he told us, `you must pretend that youve never seen this box in your life`, And we had to put a random object in from home.We all tagged the box then rubbed it over with a tea bag to make it look old.

The second week we had to hide the box we had been given and we couldnt let the other groups see where we were going to hide it.When we had hidden it we got a description of the other groups box then we had to find it, when we found it we opened it and saw other groups mysterious objects.

Both of the teachers were involved in our activites and on Friday the 1st of April all parents are invited to see our art work and we made a magazine to advertise our  art work.  The magazines will cost a pound each for the Tsunami in Japan. Drinks and snacks will be sold at the cafe in year 5 class room.

by Chloe

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


today we did fun sports the end

WHAT a day

To day we  did sports with year 6 we did running races tug of war some thing with a tenpin bowling PIN and we had to use rope to take it out of a circle and we were not allowed to go inside the circle aswell we played shark attack and some barrel games

what a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sports morning

Today we had a sports morning,we did many different activities like: tug of war, marathon, a barrel race and lifting a skittle up with 2 skipping ropes and a partner. All these activitys involved teamwork. We did this all because some other children went on residental in Shropshire. On Monday we made pots and other things for mothers day we made these out of clay, And on Thursday we are going to paint them.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

This week

This week we have ben doing time analog, digital and 24 hour clocks. We have also had Mr. Ellis to teach us for the this afternoon and we did time problems, here is one...

If I put m cake in the oven at 9:45 It takes 2 hours to bake the oven door was stuck and it too me 5 hours to open it at wat time did bring out the cake.

answer 16:45

On monday shinead's brther Ben and his partner a samba champions cam in to teach us samba and did 2 birriant  samba routines to show year5 and 6 what resal profesinal samba is.

Mr ellis is so cool and he brouht the reward box:):):):);0  
in year 5 we have been having a fruit investigation were we see if our fruit from the amazon will last longer than the fruit in England. 1 week we keep both the fruits in a hot area , then in another week we put both the fruits in a freezer. And then we mesure the mould to see witch one lasts longer.


Thursday, 10 February 2011

how I settled

St Johns has a very nice atmosphere and freindly children as well as the staff.
The work is very fun aspecialy tennis that's my favourite and the golden time activities
are on friday that's my favourite day of the week.

the water cycle

for the last couple of weeks we have been learning about the water cycle. we learnt the vocabulary and the words we learnt were: evaporaition,condensaition and precipitation.



yo i am devs

hello my name is devs. we have been doing samba this last few weeks soon we will do it for the y6 boys and girls!!

                                                                           by devs