Tuesday, 29 November 2011

The christmas football match

In ww1 on christmas day they had a football match apparently the ball came from nowere.

                       By Alex, Rhys and Kasim.
the war game was in 1915 ww1 in France by samuel and daniel

Christmas day football match

In world warII there was a football mathch on christmas day beetween the english and the Germans this was created by a german platning a chrstmas tree and an english man shaking hands
By Joe Vanessa and Mary

Thursday, 24 November 2011


'Many myths and legends surround World War One and Christmas - especially the first Christmas of the war in December 1914. The British public and the soldiers fighting in the mud of Flanders were given the impression by those in charge that the Germans, fighting possibly less than100 metres away, were blood-lusting psychopaths bent on destroying all in their way. Any form of friendship between the two sides fighting the war, would have been seen as detrimental to this impression. While the Germans remained the "evil Hun", the government and the military could justify theirHowever, the first Christmas of 1914 clearly broke the impression that those in charge wanted to portray. For many years - even after the war - the government wanted to maintain the image of the dastardly Hun and any references to any fraternisation between both sides was clamped down on. There were whispers here and there but no actual evidence. The same happened with the football match between the British and the Germans.'

Taken from http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

World warII evacuation day

Yesterday we came in to school like a evacue,  first we went into the hall and made some notes about a video. Next we  went to two country side houses one had a nice woman who gave us juice and delicous cake, then we went to a nasty womans house who gave us bread. By Joe and Rhys

evacuee day

We had an evacuee day and we had to dress up as evacuees. We started off in the hall and pretended it was a train station.We wathed a movie and it added to the fun.We got into partners and we walked round the feild

Thursday, 10 November 2011

ww2 guns

These are some guns from ww2:
Golden Pistol
Mini Gun
FN Browning High Power
They are all pistols

war poster

This is the war poster that we are going to make into a model.
By Maisie and Danielle xx

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Trench Design

This is the structure for the model

Our war poster

This is our war picture. We are making a model of this to make this we will need:
55cm wood, brown paint, black paint, wood glue, rope and clay.
To make this we will need to stick the wood together. Atach the string to the wood and tye it to the German flag and then it will be done

Monday, 7 November 2011

How shall we live in community? What do people say?

Judaism: All people are responsible for one another.
Judaism and christianity: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strenth. Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
Judaism and christanity: And what does the LORD  require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. By Maisie, Beth and Danielle.

How should we live in a community

All people are responsible for one another.

This means that everyone cares and looks after each other. 

How to live in a comunity

 Cristians belive that you should love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. That means dont hate your enemy even if they battle you. And pray for those who are cruel to you.

By Rhys and Joe


Giving simply because it is right to give without though of return is enlightered giving.giving with regreats or inexpection of receiving some favour or of getting  something in return is selfish giving                                                     Hinduiasim bhagavad Gita 17.20.21

By William,Cam and Joseph

how will we live in the community?

All people are responsible for one and other

you have responsibity for someonelse  by henryt jacob and henryj

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

World War

Today we learnt about World War I & II . Some people in our class brought in information about them.

                                                         By Matilda

world war 2

In world war 2 some people pretended they were older to serve their country in the war. In the war if you were not old enough or a woman you did not fight in the war. Some news pappers said that some people were dead when they were not. By max and Joe

World war two

Over the holidays we  had to reasearch the worls wars (1 and 2) today we looked at the wrighting and the artifacts that some people braught in. Lots of people had some really intresting things that they braught in.
By Evie

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

If there were only one hundred people in the world

if there were 100 people in the world there would be 59 asians, 14 american, 14 english people, 14 africans 1 person would be from the south pacific
A good thing would be that ot would be peacfull
A bad thing would be that some people might get lonley
By joe and Jack

If there were only 100 people in the world

If the world a village made up of 100 people 75 would be non white and 25 would be white.

The bad thing would be: Some people would be racist.

By Mary Gee and Vanessa Adebo