Thursday, 28 June 2012

Greek Myth

Greek Myth

Long ago, in the abandon desserts of Ancient Greece, lived the deadly Catasfly. Every day it crawled around catching its prey under the hot sun. There was nothing to eat, exept its own species, Catasfly. As it was as big as an alligator, nobody was brave enought to try and kill it.

One day, Ares got told by his father, Zeus to travel to the dessert and kill all the Catasflys. Ares wasnt sure about it.
"Just think about it son, you will be famous if you manage to do this!"
"Alrigt... OK...Yeah, OK I will do it!" Said Ares.

Ares traveld day and night to reach the dessert and got very tired. The next morning he was ready to fight the Cataslys. Suddenly he saw one and crept up behind it. As quick as a flash he stabbed his sword into the Catasflys green, spotty body. It whipped Ares with its venemous tail before it passed away, but unfourtunatley, some venom flowed into his leg and that was the last anyone saw of him...

It had been a long time since Ares travelled away and Zeus was getting worried so he sent Apollo to check if he was alright.     When he got there, horrified, he saw Ares's dead body lying on the hot, golden sand.
After a while he figured that he should stand far enough away from them to kill them with his bow and arrow. 
When he saw the the first one in the distance crawling slowly towards him, Apollo Shot it, before it got too close. Finally the Catasflys were extinct.

Apollo was famous for killing all the Catasflys and Ares was saadly forgotten, but fourtunatley everyone in the village was happy. They were all killed.
By Matilda

ancient greek myth

In the middle of a small village there was a small woods nethertheless in the small village woods there lived a blood curdling beast called the sligger. He had a slimy slithery tail and on  it he had razor sharp pointed spikes on it his crinkly wrinkley fingers and at the end there is skin piercing fingers. And if anyone dared to take him on he would cut them up and eat them as a snack.

On the other side of the ghostly woods there is a well but for the time being that was not needed because they allready had one but the well they already had was running low. And the villagers were getting worried because they might have to cross the treturas woods where the mighty sligger lived to supply themselves with water.

After a short while the well went dry so some so some of the heroic villagers had to cross woods were the spinechilling sligger lived. Many attempted but none came out alive. By this time many people had met there fait so the people of the village decide to do something about it.

The bravest man in all of the village decided to try and slay the beast. He was the man who fought of all the terryfieng wolves and bears but he had not done anything like this before. So he did not know what to expect. One breezy morning  he decided to enter the woods and and slay the beast. Moments later he saw the ugly thing all of a sudden he ran at it with all his might and stuck his sicke into the slliggers throat. A few minuets later he returned to the village a hero.

So now the peoplle of the village can can get water with out fear.

Far away, in the deepest, darkest cave in all the land, there lurked a monsterous creature, the Four - legged Creeper Kitten! Everyone feared the monster as it had the ability to blow up at will. Many entered the cave but very few returned. And Etheus was sick of it.

Etheus was prince of Athens, a beautiful city located on the south  - east coast of Greece. Etheus told his father that he was going to kill the beast. His father was very worried. What if he got killed? He would never get over it. But he agreed to let him go. So, Etheus set of on his journey to kill the mighty creature.

Etheus finally found the cave. He cautiosly entered the cave He could here the hissing of the Creeper Kitten already. As he went deeper into the cave, it got even darker. When suddenly he came face to face with the monster. A long and tiring battle happened but finally he defeated the Creeper Kitten. He chopped of its head and gave it to his father as a gift. And from that day on, no one had to live in fear of the dreaded Creeper Kitten.
Once upon a time there was a lovely village on the side of the mountain with with happiness soronding the air .There was a strong fighting man with 3 children called Ares.their is a lovely river flowing throughthe town, but on the other hand at the top of the mountain there lived a dreaded beast a minotor!!!!

They all loved climbing to the top and down again however Ares didn't like his children going up to the top because he new that their was a minotor at the top ready to pronse at his prey emidetly.

One day Ares three children went to the top of the snowy mountainthey kept on climbing until they got the top of the mountain and the minotor was on his way down but all Ares could here was acry!!!

Ares got realy angry and did what his children did climb to the top with his shield cluthed to his fist and reachthe minotor. Ares had killed the minotor.....

their was a big celebration held round the village that Ares had killed the minotor but Ares was realy sad that his children were on the minotors body!!!!!

a greek myth

Maney years ago in a vally unknown to man kind , there lived a huge, terrifing, nail biting , huge horrific monster that waddels horrifingly when he flies. When this terrifing story is told you will be scaredd for life! Children cry just when they think about Gemini Gloop...

Afrodiaty was sick of people going on and on about the evil gemini gloop. so she decided to set this this gemini gloop straight,evan though she was only the godess of love . she ran downstaid to her father, and said i am going to sleigh this monster one and for all , her after was very hesident .And asked her are you shure? Afrodiaty exclamed YES YES I AM SHURE AND YOU CARNT STOP ME!!!! So she set off on a boat and she travelled for hours and hours looking and looking for this terrifing cave... but she saw nothing . Then all of a sudden she saw this freaky cave. She docked on the sea shore . She walked with one hand on her back one hand holding a huge gorgous shiney sword. She glemed cautiously at the middle of the cage . Then red as ruby eyes appered and then she realised it was Gemini Gloop...

he waddeled as he flew, saw , he growled. he said HOW DERE YOU ENTER MY CAVE . Afrodiaty said you are a monster you do not belong in this world i am afraid i will have to sleigh you Gemini Gloop was NOT happy so he replied i am afraid that will not be happenning. the to of them kept on arguing like and old married couple.

After hours of arguing somthing happened. Afrodiaty has sliced his head of and took it home as an achivment of what she has done. She quikley ran home to her father with a smile like a lemon.

She makes a whole street party to celebrate what she has done. She invites the whole city to the street party. to this day on that very cave is named after Afrodiaty

by mia xoxo

My myth

Once in a small town there was a young boy named Alex.Alex was a traning night on his way to be coming a full guard. He lived in a dangeros town hughted over by a deep forest.Deep deep down there lived a huge hairy beast with rasor claws and feroses beming eyes. this beast called drakane would make the other fight in a hugre cage.

Alex was walking around the town and the king called him over and sent him on jurney to slay the dracane to protec the city. So he went on his Qwest to save the town he was on the other side of the mountin and he could see the drakane cave. He could here some wistle of some sort then he could see it was the king son hermes he said do you want to come on my journy. He joined him and game him a shining glod sowrd and an iron shield to protect him.

Next thay reched the deep drakane cave filled with webs and corpese all arownd the cave. Thay both said lets go in in a nervose voise.Thay entered a cave with there sord up high Alex shouted at the top of his voise Drakane im Alex show your self ! she replided in an deep voise well im coming. He was scaerd not sowing it he dcould see a fighnt object coming up he pulled him up...

Hermes came clouse he could see the object and he pulled his sowrdd fro the grownd and he was slicing thin air but he could here his voise so he hit the beast in the head alot of red blood came out and Alex was free and he picked up the head of the Drakane and put into a bag and went home.

the young two came home and clamed there prize of becoming the princes of this small town and thay protected it for the rest of there life.With the same shield and sowrd.

By Jacob

greek myth

Heracles the extrodinary was the strongest in all the land he could carry two fully grown horses at the same time.Until the king mentioned that heracles should go and fight the minotaur because everyone thought he was strong enough.Heracles finally defeated the the blood sucking minotaur.But Heracles weapons were broken,

Then Heracles got a message from his farther zeus to say hades is seeking revenge for killing the blood sucking minotaur he wants to fight at the parthenom but heracles thought he was no match for hades.

Heracles suddenly realized he had no weapons because they broke because of the minotaur.

zeus sends heracles a golden sword and a shield to defeat hades  zeus also sent him a golden helmet to help him.Heracles was very nervous about fighting hades but he stayed strong.

The strong heracles hades with the golden sword. heracles took his pitchfork and you will now remember him now as heracles the destroyer nobody thought he woudnt be able to do it because hades is the god of the underworld nobody ever understimated heracles again.

by joseph

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Physical health and well being
Pegasus loves P.E but he always cheats in running games, because instead of running, he flys across the field, and his wing speed goes up-to over 500 mph an hour.

Thursday, 14 June 2012


Minotaurs are 1/2 human and 1/2 bull.The terrifieing beast can only survive on human flesh.GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR.! 


Medusa is a Greek mythical creature. Everyone who she looks at gets turned into solid stone. Medusa has hair that is made entierly out of snakes. The Greek hero Perseus beheaded Medusa and he used her sevored head as a weapon but then he gave Athena Medusa's head that she stuck on her shield.   


  Zeus was the god of the sky and ruler of olypian gods. His wife was called Hera also his sister. He carrys a thunder bolt with him to be a wepon. Zeus also had 2 brothers named Poseidon the god of the sea and Hadies god of the under world.